The Value of Churches Using Name Tags for Church Staff, Ushers, Greeters, and Worshippers
Enhance community and fellowship in your church by helping parishioners, church staff, ushers and greeters connect easily and build relationships.
Enhance community and fellowship in your church by helping parishioners, church staff, ushers and greeters connect easily and build relationships.
Giving customers the opportunity to learn worker’s names quickly can help break down that awkward conversation barrier that sometimes happens at the register. It makes the interaction more personal and friendly, which leads to a better overall customer experience.
While it’s very unlikely that masks are going away anytime soon, Florida Badges has a helpful solution – Photo ID name tags. These name badges include a logo, the worker’s name, and their photo. In addition to the added safety and security this provides in a medical setting, it also allows patients to see the friendly faces of their medical team.
Before placing a large order for name badges for your workers, we recommend that you request a free sample – by email or mail. Once you receive the samples and are satisfied with the quality and craftsmanship of the products offered by Florida Badges, you can complete the rest of your employee name tag order online or by phone.
Many teachers with large class sizes or multiple classes use name tags for their students. It helps both the teacher and fellow classmates to learn each student’s name and its correct spelling. Most importantly, when the teacher’s name and/or school name are added, it’s a helpful safety measure to ensure each child is accounted for… …
Are you opening a new business, rebranding your existing one, or simply looking to create a more professional, consumer-friendly experience in your store, restaurant, or office? Or perhaps you’ve learned about the many benefits of having your employees wear name tags, such as: Making it easier for customers to identify company employees and staff Building… …
With so many shapes, colors, styles, and sizes to choose from, picking new name badges for your company can be a daunting task. We’ve offered suggestions below to help you narrow down which badges may work best for your particular business. Rectangular Plastic Name Tags Rectangular name tags are larger than their oval counterparts which… …
Florida Badges offers a variety of name badges that are perfect for insurance agents, adjusters, navigators and insurance-related entities, including: Name and logo plastic name tags These rectangular plastic name badges include the insurance agency logo and the agent’s name, with room for license numbers if required. These high-quality badges are one of our… …
Anyone who works in real estate knows one of the best perks of the job is personal autonomy – especially the freedom to make your own schedule and wear what you want. While not having to wear a uniform is a big plus, it’s still important to maintain a professional appearance. After all, clients… …
Of all the products we sell, blank name tags are one of our most popular. They are affordable, flexible, and convenient which makes them perfect for organizations with temporary or seasonal positions. They’re also great for industries with high turnover rates like retail and hospitality. We offer the following types of blank name tags: Blank… …